Friday, November 24, 2006

Ferruginous Flycatcher

Was walking down when I saw a flutter beside me...stopped to take a look & there was this little bird perched so sweetly. Trying not to scare the bird, I moved like a robot & managed to snap a shot before it flew up & away..........

Three Musketeers

Sitting on the bridge...looking at the world go round....enjoying the breeze & view from our point.....nobody else can do that except us 3 musketeers.......One for all & all for One!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mother Nature

Ever wondered what it will be like to fly among the clouds? Sometimes when I look at the clouds and their amazing shapes & designs, I do fantasize but my feet never seems to lift off.....hahaha, so all I can do is just stare & day-dream & marvel at the wonders of nature.....

I just love sunset.........don't you? Sunset brings a lot of things to a the day is going & night is coming, days birds are going home to roost while nocturnal creatures will begin their "day"...but best of means......I HAVE FINISHED WORK FOR THE DAY!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!

Say No to Feeding & Yes to Antics

Enjoys some monkeys antics........


Monkeys....what comes into your mind when you hear the words "Monkeys"? - cheeky, robber, bandit, aggressive creatures, bites & attacks people, stealer, snatch thief.....etc. So many unwarranted words to describe them, why? Cos when humans start taking pity & feed them, monkeys will start developing a change in their diet & taste. Just imagine, if you start feeding your baby junk food instead of healthy food, what happens? The baby will also start wanting just junk food & will not eat other food & when he can't get what he wants, he will throw a tantrum & wail to the sky! Same goes for the monkeys except they don't wail or cry....they snatch, attack you and rob you! If junk food is unhealthy to humans, do you think it will be healthy to monkeys????

We need the monkeys(who are the natural habitants of the forest) to forage & eat the fruits of the forests to help us disseminate & germinate the next generation of trees by the natural & I don't eat seeds, neither do the monkeys, so when they eat the fruits, they will disseminate the seeds onto the forest floor and another life cycle will begin. So please DO NOT FEED THE MONKEYS. THERE ARE ENOUGH FOOD FOR THEM IN THE FOREST! We need them to start a new life cycle for the trees and only with enough trees to form a forest, then can we and our future generation be able to take a walk through the forest away from the hustle and bustle of city life to enjoy the serenity & wonders of the forest.

These pictures are a good example of monkeys who become fat & lazy when they have been constantly fed by humans........

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

More to come soon......akan datang

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (winter breeding male)

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher (1st shot)

I'm Back - 3

Grey-headed Fish Eagle

Purple Heron

Laced Woodpecker

Green-backed Flycatcher

White-rumped Sharma

Forest Wagtail

Eyebrowed Thrush

Another set of photos

Eastern-crowned Warbler

Changeable Hawk Eagle
Common Iora
Brown-throated Sunbird

Dark-sided Flycatcher

I'm Back - 2

Brown Shrike

Blue-winged Leafbird(male)

Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher

Asian Paradise Flycatcher

Another shot of Asian Paradise Flycatcher

Asian Brown Flycatcher

I'm Back!!

Well, it's been such a loooooong time since I last updated my blog...tsk tsk. So I decided to do something before my blogs has cobwebs & dust...haha.... With the migratory season in swing now, have decided to post some photos for your viewing pleasure...just don't ask me when I took them as I can't remember... The picture on the left is an Artic Warbler.