Saturday, April 01, 2006

Magpie Robin

This bird commonly known as Magpie Robin or Oriental Magpie Robin was a rare visitor to our Reserves. As far as I know, only in Ubin is this species flourishing very well. So I was very glad when I managed to shoot a photo of this bird personally here in our forest. You may wonder on & you'll understand..

This bird is very common in all kampongs, plantations, gardens and parks throughout Pen. Malaysia, including the offshore islands. Although not a forest bird it turns up as soon as a forest camp is established, even at lower montane elevations. It often feeds on insects found in garden lawns and can become quite approachable. Because it is quite approachable, it was much sought after by bird traders for it's delightful whistle. A popular cage bird in Singapore, it has suffered from illegal poaching thus becoming very rare and almost extinct. Thankfully, over at Ubin, we still have this species flourishing and thus preventing it's extinction. If you ever have a chance to listen to its whistling tune, you'll understand why bird traders are poaching this bird......sigh! When will poaching ever stop???

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