Monday, March 27, 2006

Baby Mouse or Rat???

Guess what I found today???? Errmm, actually it was my worker who found them(trying to take credit for the finding...thick-skin hippo...shame on me!) in a tray covered with leaves and god-knows-what.

There were 5 or 6 of them, eyes still unopened. My guess is as good as yours...I really don't know whether they are mice or rats.....anyway, I brought one into my office to show my colleagues...luckily they never went "eeeeeeeiiiii, what's that! Get it out of my sight!". That's why they are working in Nature Reserves....tough ladies! No offence to anyone, but I'm sure any ladies from the outside world of nature would have shrieked out loud. Hey, I like that word "outside world of nature".....hahaha sounds like we rangers come from another world. Anyway, will try to monitor them(the little cuties, I mean) and see what they turn out to be, provided they don't "disappear" before I can "find them". Will update once I have any information.


Leshon said...

Is it a mole??

Leshon said...

Is it a mole ???

Casey said...

am not too sure. Need to see the parents(if I can find) to confirm. There maybe a possibility it could be a mole.....